APGM (Yorkshire West Riding, Area 4)
Charitable contributions
Each Lodge in England contributes to the Masonic Charitable Foundation (MCF). In addition, each Lodge in the Province of Yorkshire West Riding contributes to West Yorkshire Masonic Charities and finally individual Lodges have their own local charitable cause generally adopted for a term of 12 months by the Lodge members.
In the last year Royal Brunswick had several local charities that were supported in addition to the national and provincial charities mentioned above.
We started off with the Installation raffle for Aimee who has Rett syndrome details of which can be found at https://www.rettuk.org/what-is-rett-syndrome/
The funds went towards refitting a car for Aimee to make it more comfortable and easier for her when she is travelling.
We then raised £200 on our quiz night for Sheffield Royal Society for the Blind (SRSB) http://www.srsb.org.uk . This charity was chosen by one of our members that accessed their services and realised they were in need of funding.
At the time or writing a further charity is being considered to be the recipient of the funds raised by the first Nick Wright Memorial Shoot.
A further charity supported by Royal Brunswick was a donation of £160 to the Crosspool & District Youth Sports Trust courtesy of funds raised at the Royal Brunswick Summer Barbecue. We are currently talking to this group with a view to gaining funds from the Provincial Grand Masters fund to redevelop their outside play area and provide new equipment. https://www.cdyst.co.uk/

At Royal Brunswick we pride ourselves on not only reaching out to the community but ensuring we have good Masonic links and a vibrant social scene involving partners and friends
Social and Masonic events
Beer and Chat

Summer Barbecue

Visit by Lodge Grange 1073 (Monifieth)

Visit to King Egbert Lodge 4288 Christmas Party

Installation of Brian D Littlejohn as APGM

Visit to Palatina Lodge Mannheim Germany

Nick Wright Memorial Shoot

Visit to Keats and Shelley Lodge Rome

Lodge discussion about festive board traditions

Hampton Trophy Golf presentation

Installation of Ian Barnett as Master of the Lodge