The Worshipful Master, Officers and Brethren of Royal Brunswick Lodge 296 (Sheffield) in the Province of Yorkshire West Riding would like to welcome you to our website.
Whether you are a Freemason looking for information on our lodge, or just someone curious about the Craft, you are more than welcome to look around. We have a a great deal of information for you here, or you can use our links to access more Masonic info on the world wide web.
Royal Brunswick was constituted in 1793 by warrant from Richard Milne Esq., MP, Provincial Grand Master for the county of York acting under the authority of the Grand Lodge of England, H.R.H. George Augustus, Prince of Wales, Grand Master; the Petitioners being James Richardson, John Law, John Northallerton and Ebenezer Hancock. Lodge meetings were originally held at the Royal Oak, King Street, Sheffield. James Woollen was the first Worshipful Master, Joseph Hudson the first Senior Warden and Richard Jessop the first Junior Warden.