11th December 2023
This evening, Bro. Stefan Booyens was installed into the Chair of the lodge. W.Bro Booyens is a well-beloved and respected member of Royal Brunswick Lodge, and the brethren are all excited to see what a year under his leadership will bring.
RBL & Sheffield Freemasonry
Royal Brunswick 296 continues to be involved at the heart of Sheffield Freemasonry. At the 2023 Sheffield Past Masters’ Association (SPMA) AGM in October W Bro Mark Lewis installed his successor as President (W Bro Tony Brailsford, of Lodge of Industry), and Tony then installed W Bro Paul Sanderson, PPGSwdB, current Master of Royal Brunswick having previously served as Master in 1995, as Vice President for the coming year. W Bro (E.Comp) Stewart Warden is still the President of Sheffield Royal Arch Council (SRAC) – at least until early November when he will install his successor at the SRAC AGM – meaning that Royal Brunswick Lodge continues to be represented on both Councils. As Paul will serve as SPMA Vice-President until October 2024, and then President until October 2025, this will extend the Royal Brunswick influence on the Executive of Sheffield Freemasonry from 2021 to 2025, further demonstrating that Royal Brunswick, although one of the oldest lodges in Sheffield with a wide and varied history, continues to have members who are interested in the future development of Freemasonry.
28th October 2023
Lodge Grange 1073 (Scottish constitution) installation, 28 October 2023.
The brethren of Yorkshire West Riding will recognise the brethren of Lodge Grange 1073 (SC) as they are regular visitors to the Province. Their most recent visit was to Harrogate to support W Bro Brian Littlejohn’s installation as DepPGM.
This time the journey was in reverse with the brethren of Royal Brunswick 296 heading north to Monifieth to witness the installation of Bro Philip Learmonth as Right Worshipful Master of Lodge Grange in the Province of Forfarshire. Brian did more than witness the installation as he had been invited to be part of the installing masters team at his mother lodge.
The photos show the brethren of 296 with the 1073 RWM, Installing Masters team and the Substitute Provincial Grand Master of the Province of Forfarshire.
12th August 2023
Nick Wright Memorial Event
It was a keenly fought competition and a great deal of fun was had. It was attended by members of Royal Brunswick Lodge and partners. Bro Jan Davies retained the Nick Wright Memorial Plate for a 2nd year after beating off all competition. It seems that Jan has a natural aptitude for Archery.
6th July 2023
Member(s) of Royal Brunswick Lodge make Rose Croix history.
Thursday 6th July 2023 was the first Joint meeting of all four Sheffield based Rose Croix Chapters held at Tapton Hall, and saw over 60 members, from this and adjoining Districts, including the Inspector General, Very Illustrious Brother Ian Smith, attend to witness the inaugural meeting. The meeting was hosted by Welcome Chapter No189, and, with the assistance of members of all four Rose Croix Chapters, Perfected Bro Kevin Ebbs of Royal Brunswick Lodge into the Order. As representatives of De Lovetot Rose Croix Chapter No 213, both V W Bro J M Beard and W Bro B D Littlejohn, also of Royal Brunswick Lodge, were delighted to assist in the Ceremony.
19th June 2023
Royal Brunswick Lodge No. 296, meeting at Tapton Hall, Sheffield has the very unusual and special honour this year of having two of their distinguished Past Masters as local Presidents. W.Bro.M.B.Lewis, PPGReg (left) is the current President of the Sheffield Past Masters Association, whilst W.Bro.J.S.Warden (PPJGW) is the President of the Sheffield Royal Arch Council. Both are Directors of Ceremonies – W Bro Lewis, in Lodge and E.Comp.J.S.Warden in Chapter and both are members of Chapter of Loyalty No.296, as Comp.M.B.Lewis has recently rejoined the Chapter with E.Comp J.S.Warden, PAGDC, PProvGScN being reinvested as both Chapter DC and Almoner at its most recent installation on Monday 19 June. W Bro Lewis was installed as WM of Royal Brunswick Lodge in December 1987 and E.CompJ.S.Warden was installed as Z of Chapter of Loyalty in June 1996, so it would be fair to say that their commitment to Freemasonry is without question and we look forward to the improvements that their close working relationship will bring for Freemasonry in Sheffield.
2nd May 2023
Proud achievement for Royal Brunswick Lodge 296.
On Tuesday 2nd May 2023 Brian Littlejohn was invested as Deputy Provincial Grand Master (DPGM) for The Province of Yorkshire West Riding at a meeting attended by over 300 Freemasons at the Provinces annual meeting held in Harrogate.
Brian is a past master of Royal Brunswick Lodge and had previously held the office of Assistant Provincial Grand Master responsible for Area 4 in the Province. Brian also holds the rank of Past Grand Senior Deacon at The United Grand Lodge of England in London.
The appointment to DPGM is very prestigious and one that certainly elevates the status of Royal Brunswick Lodge.
As the second oldest Lodge in Sheffield Royal Brunswick continues to produce freemasons of quality and we are looking forward to seeing who will be next to attain senior rank from our Lodge.
13th March 2023
This meeting was one which will certainly live long in the memory! Not only did we initiate a new candidate, which is cause enough for celebration, but we were joined by a huge number of visitors from around the Province and as far afield as Inverness and Germany. Several brethren from Palatina Lodge made the journey all the way from Mannheim and after three years of interactions via Zoom, it was amazing to finally meet in person! We were also joined by old friends from Lodge Grange, as well as many other lodges from around Yorkshire West Riding and beyond. An excellent and truly unforgettable evening which demonstrated the universal nature of Freemasonry and the bonds of brotherly love.